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Streaming Audio: haKescher haIsraeli 15-03-2004 / Real Audio - Radio

Madrid - Alex von Radio Sefarad (English 800kb)
Barcelona - Jizhak Levi, Rosh Kwuzath haHasbarah (Hebrew 900kb)

Berlin - Shmuel Bahagon (Hebrew 1400kb)
München - David Gall, haGalil onLine (Hebrew 1400kb)
Augsburg - Reuwen Unger, Rabbiner (Hebrew 1400kb)


Boston - Shuki Sasson, Hi-Tec (Hebrew 1000kb)
Florida - David Meir, Security (Hebrew 1400kb)
Atlanta - Prof. Robi Fridman, Igereth (Hebrew 1400kb)

Eyal Golan - Zlil Mejtar (Musik 400kb)
Kfar Saba - Dow Moran, M-Systems (Hebrew 500kb)
Chadaschoth Kol Israel 15-03-04 (Hebrew 150kb)

The Israeli Connection - Conversations with Israelis Abroad', is a weekly world wide phone-in show hosted by Elihu Ben-Onn which is of special interest to citizens living overseas and it airs on Reshet Bet from Midnight to 3 AM on Sunday mornings (Israel Time) which is 5 to 8 PM Eastern Time Sunday evening in the US and 11PM (Sundays) to 2 AM (Mondays) in continental Europe.

An important international audience at this time is listeners in North America tuning in via Reshet Bet on Shortwave and the Internet (click here to listen).

There is a telephone message box that can be used by the audience to leave voice mail. The 'Telemeser' service can be reached at 03 765 1929 (in Israel), 011 972 3 765 1929 from the US or, 00 972 3 765 1929 from most other countries.

The program's creator, producer and anchor, Elihu Ben-Onn says the live show is designed 'to let Israelis and others talk about anything at all, and in time we'll have editions centered around particular subjects and invite guests to answer questions, but for now we just let them talk'. 'But' he adds 'the show is not only for Israelis, it can be a bridge between Israel and world Jewry. It’s a great tool to increase Jewish-Israeli ties and to do this we bring to the studio local leaders and through their eyes and the international ears of our audience we build together a new bridge within the Jewish world.'.'

Prior to the approval of the project he first went on a research trip and visited Israelis living in New York, Seattle and Philadelphia in order to assess their needs and he says he found 'a real thirst for something like this out there'. He also met with Israeli diplomats such as Dore Gold at the United Nations and Shmuel Sisso, who was Consul General in New York, and who both bemoaned the lack of Hebrew media in the US and the difficulty of expats keeping in touch with home. Ben-Onn also believes the show improves the standing and understanding of emigrants 'yordim' - within Israel, at a time when after years of ostracism the then Prime Minister, Ehud Barak, has referred to them as 'our brothers'.

Though the program is in Hebrew it accepts calls from English speakers and the show's host translates. In this way it allows the off-spring of Israelis born abroad to keep in touch with home even if their Hebrew is not so very fluent.

Elihu Ben-Onn - "The items in the 3 hour show are part of the international Jewish-Israeli agenda"

The email address is: kesherisraeli@yahoo.com



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